Etudiants en Ecole de cinema, nous préparons un film de fin d’année.
Pour cela nous recherchons, deux personnages parlant anglais correctement.
– Clara: Cute, naive and very girly. She nows the power she has as a beautiful woman and doesn’t mind to use it. She is not a bitch, nor a slut but she is very young and girly.
She is a foreigner, ( this si something that can be changed if need, so the foreigner can be the man or none, will depend on the cast). She comes from a poor background, but she is smart and studies in the university. She is normally very cold blooded, but in this moment of her life, in this 7 minutes, she stop being a girl to became a woman so she is totally stressed out and scared. At the same time she realizes of how he is a basterd with her and how less he does care so she explotes.
– Marcel: A strong haracter but at the same time with a lot of temperate. taller than her. on his 40-50s. He must be handsome, elegant and smart,
Tournage non rémunéré.
Casting prévu mi avril
Si vous correspondez aux critères demander, envoyer nous vôtre CV + deux photos + le personnage souhaité à :